Jonathan Dale Pierce - Online Memorial Website

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Jonathan Pierce
Born in United States
38 years
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This song "Let It Go" was John's favorite.





This memorial web site was created in loving memory of JONATHAN DALE PIERCE who was born in Chicago IL. September 15th 1967 and passed away on June 3rd 2006 at the age of 38. At the time of his death he was living in Jacksboro Tennessee. He had lived in Campbell County most of his life. 

Our love always, 

Linda, Jerrett, and Jon Dillan


  This web page is a memorial tribute to John and I will not allow it to be used for anything other than that. If you would like to light a candle "to John" feel free to do so. If you have some suggestions or personal advice for me please contact me at or Your cooperation is appreciated. Linda Pierce


   It took over 2 years to get SOME justice for the murder of my husband and the father of our 2 sons. Miranda Kirby was sentenced to 51 years without the possibility of parole. Travis Gaylor was sentenced to 28 years, 25 of which is without the possibility of parole. Samuel Miracle was found "not guilty" on all charges. The D.A.'s office had 41 pieces of evidence and 21 witnesses but the jury still found him "not guilty".
   We are still trying to live our lives without John. He is and always will be a huge part of our lives and his presence is missed and needed. Please continue to pray for our sons, that they will be all they can be without their dad there to guide them. Thank you and I love you all.



     Thank you all for your love, faith and prayers, but most of all thank you for being there for me and my family. 





                     WHO WAS JOHN...







John was an amazing person. If you knew John or were a part of his life, you were truely blessed. He was quiet, unless you knew him. He was shy, unless you knew him. He was the kind of person that anyone would want to be. He was ambitious and a hard worker. When he was going to school for Tool and Die, there was a lot of times that he would work 12-14 hour days and go to school, all because he wanted a better life for him and his family. When he started working at Eagle Bend Mfg. (employed there for 17yrs.) he was hired in as a temporary. John was not the type of person to settle for something. He was strong and strong willed. He worked hard for his promotions and was still determined to do better. Determination is what got John promoted to the position he was in as Tooling Engineer. If you were John's friend, you were so lucky. There was nothing that he wouldn't do for his friends. But most important to John was his family. He loved his parents so much. He always valued their approval and opinion of decisions he made in his life. They were, and still are very proud of him. He was the kind of son every parent would want and be proud of. He was strong on family traditions. Sundays were for taking the kids to see his mom and dad. Spare time was spent with me and our sons. I was lucky, blessed, and fortunate to have John in my life. And I am sure that anyone who knew him feels the same way. We love you and miss you so much.  







Please be advised that I have moved. I received a call from God, the Chief Architect, and He informed me that my new home was complete. You all know that I have been working on my building and sending up my timber. I knew that my mansion needed some finishing touches and the Chief Carpenter, Jesus Christ, had to inspect it and give the final approval. On the morning of June 3, 2006, He let me know that my mansion was complete and that I could move in. He told me to go ahead and change my address!

Well, my new home is finished and what a sight to behold!!! It is located on an exclusive estate behind a beautiful Pearly Gate. It's just over the other side of the serene celestial shore. Of course, you know the streets are paved with Gold and every day is Sabbath, just like you've been told. I can walk and talk with the Master with not a worry or a care.

There is peace here, joy, happiness, no pain or heartache, only sweet serenity. I can dine at the Master's bountiful table and sing with the Heavenly Choir. And best of all, my Heavenly Father is here in all of His Glory! And oh yes, I have my own designer here who has fitted me with my very own white robe. I could go on and on about my new home, but instead, I am going to pray that you get to move here yourself someday...Before I go though, let me give you my new address:

Jonathan D. Pierce

38 Glorious Years Lane

Godstown, Heaven 77777

P.S. I don't have a telephone, pager, email, organizer or cell phone, but you can always call on God. If you don't know His number, read your Bible, it's listed on every page.









      My heart still aches for Linda and your boys and your momma and daddy and all your family members. They miss you so much. I really didn't know you very well, but Linda is like a sister to me. All of Johnny's sisters are. They have welcomed me in as one of their own and I love them all so much. I wasn't around you much, although you managed to get into some of my family videos. You were always smiling and quiet around me, a really nice person in my presence.

       I was in church one Sunday when Gary Ward requested prayer for you. He knew you needed to be saved and said that he was going to go hunting or something with you. He wanted to be a light to you for Jesus. He wanted us to pray for your salvation. Another day, Linda came to my house to pick up Nikki and she gave me all the details about when you were saved. She was so excited and happy when she was telling me about it, I hope I get this right. She said that you were in the floor crying and she didn't know what was wrong, but you were turning your life and heart over to Jesus and when you got up, you told her that Jesus had saved you. She told me the first thing you did was call your mom and dad. I know this was the best news they could have ever heard from you. And this was the most important decision you could have ever made. God knows the end of our life here on this earth. Our days are numbered like the hairs on our head and none of us know our day or hour.
       Since your hour came so unexpectedly that night, I have cried many a tear, but I find comfort in the story of Stephen in Acts. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, but at the moment they were about to stone Stephen, he looked up. He said that he could see Jesus and Jesus was standing at the right hand of the Father. I believe that Jesus stood up to receive Stephen and Stephen never knew the pain of even one of those stones. I believe that Jesus stood up to receive you too, and that you never felt any pain. Today, you and Stephen are together and someday all of us who have been born again will join you in Heaven. And those left behind hurt so bad. I pray for them. May the Lord comfort your loved ones, my friends and family and brothers and sisters in Christ. May they all feel His arms wrapped around them.
Acts 7:55
But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into Heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.


Latest Memories
Hyle Ward
thanks for asking me and dad to go to west point with u and jerrett it was so much fun. me and dad and jerrett went to west point about 2 or 3 months ago. love you hyle
Well, John, the second person who had part in taking you away from us pleaded guilty today. Only one more to go. I remember every time there was something wrong with my car, you would drop what you were doing and work on  my car. You also taught me how to take better care of my car by doing little things like turning the heat or air off before turning off the key. I still do the things you taught me. Your goodness and loving kindness will live on in all of us who love you. You gave me a roof over my head more than once. How many men would let their wife's sister live with them as many times as you did me? You were more like a brother instead of a brother-in-law. I love you dearly, Boo Boo
Betty Lou
John, One of the funniest things I remember about you, was the day Linda and I came in and you had baby Jon Dillan laying beside you on the couch.  You were eating a red popsicle. Linda said, "John, you are not feeding that baby a popsicle, are you ?"  You grinned real silly and said "No". We looked at the baby and he was smacking his red stained lips. You kept grinning and looking at the TV.  Any memory I have of you is your smiling face..  You always had that smile,and most of the time it was from something you had been into, or something silly you had said. Like the time you told Jarrett that Linda belonged to an Indian tribe.  Remember?? We love you and miss you so much! ! !
annette smith

I'll never 4/get when linda told me u had got saved,she was so excited and happy i thought she was going to start shouting lol..the first time i met u was at ur house downstairs u had the warmest smile and i thought then what a great family u guys were so perfect for one another..jon u would be so proud of linda she is the best mother ever u can see the love she has for ur boys in her eyes,she is giving them the love and comfort they need,i pray when GOD takes us home he lets me see the reuniting of u and ur family what a wonderful day that will be!!!until then watch over linda and the boys and keep them safe.....GOD BLESS..annette

Linda Pierce (wife)

I remember one night when we were playing Monopoly with Jerrett. He had been bragging on how good he was at the game and that nobody could beat him (he was only nine at the time). You were ribbing each other on who was the best and who was going to beat who. I was the banker. I was the first to go out and you were getting really low on money. I nudged you with my foot under the table and you looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and you started laughing because you knew what I was going to do. Jerrett was wanting to know what was so funny and you told him he needed to pay attention to the game or he might lose. The little guy really was good, because I don't know how many thousands I gave you under the table and you still almost lost. I guess what I remember the most about that night is that every time I handed you money, you held on to my hand for just a split second and your laughter. You laughed so hard that night. Jerrett  never knew about us cheating that night until he read this. He laughed  and said he knew he could whoop your butt. I miss you so much. I am thankful I have so many good memories of you. I mean really good memories that make you laugh out loud. All my love, Linda

Latest Condolences
Linda Pierce Linda December 24, 2013
It's Christmas Eve and yesterday was Jon Dillan's 9th birthday. He started talking about you again about a year ago. I was so glad because I love when he asks questions about you. He needs to know all he can about you. He has the bow you bought Jerrett when Jerrett was his age. He has the four wheeler you bought Jerrett along with quite a few other things. I know without a doubt, if you were here, you would've gotten him all these things and more. Every holiday as he opens his gifts, I think of you and how it would be if only you were here. Thinking of you you forever............
Linda wife December 27, 2010

    Another Christmas without you, but I know my family has you on their minds when we are together. There is always a blessed prayer said for the ones who are no longer with us, I dont remember them praying that prayer when you were here. I know they are thinking of you too. I love my family and I dont know where I would be without them.

    You would be so proud of the boys. Jerrett is almost a replica of you in every way. I see you in him so much. And it amazes me how much Jon Dillan is like you too. We got him a 22 rifle for Christmas. Its tiny. For 2 years he had went to sporting goods in Walmart to look at that gun. When me and Jerrett gave it to him, he was shocked and so happy. I wish I could talk to you and give you a hug. Its been 4 1/2 years and I still cant bring myself to go out with anyone. I just cant. I still love you so. One day we will be together again. 

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Hugs September 20, 2009


                                 A Hug From God

        Sometimes I think I've got it all together-
        I've figured out what life is all about.
        It lasts a while and then it always happens-
        A curve-ball come that I can't figure out.

        I struggle to find my way through all the darkness-
        the more I try the harder it seems to be.
        Until I reach a point of fear and desperation-
        It hurts so much I fall down on my knees.

        A hug from God will ease a broken heart.
        A hug from God will fill your life with love.
        A hug from God who is your loving father-
        is always there- just look to him and pray.
        Oh, God please send your loving hug my way.

        The room grows quiet as tears stream down my face-
        the pain inside is all taken away.
        A warmth surrounds my cold and shaking body-
        As God's hand wipes the tears off of my face.

        A hug from God will ease a broken heart.
        A hug from God will fill your life with love.
        A hug from God who is your loving father-
        is always there- just look to him and pray.
        Oh, God please send your loving hug my way.
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens xoxoxoxox September 5, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens thinkin of you August 30, 2009





I am now in Heaven,
The gates have opened wide,
And now I have the privilege
Of walking by His side.

The angel choir is singing
And the music is so sweet;
I'll join them just as soon
As I have worshiped at His feet.


I am now in Heaven,
The blood washed throng is here;
I recognize a lot of them,
There's not a single tear.

There's joy beyond description
And reunions by the score;
There'll be no more separations,
For we'll be here evermore.


I am now in Heaven,
Please wipe away your tears;
I've fought the battle, run the race,
And I'm rid of all my fears.

There is no pain or sorrow here,
The heartaches now are past;
I've read and sung of Heaven,
And now I'm here at last!


I am now in Heaven,
And oh, this place is grand!
No one could have ever told me
Of all the beauty in this land.

Since I cannot describe it,
You'll have to come and see
That it was worth the many trials
To live here for all eternity!